Users Console

User Management / Creation of OU

User Management

After adding users in your domain. User Management is necessary job for domain. For managing users you need to create organisational units. By creating OUs you can manage user with respect to Google services. You can group users as per access of Google services.

Here we will learn about


Hello Guys, Welcome back to my tutorials on Google apps. In this tutorial i will tell you how you can create an organisation on Google apps. Here you see that all these users are placed under this organisation. Suppose we want to create a sub organisation. Like in a company you may have different departments so respective sub organisation are necessary now when you click here you can give name of the organisation. I give something… suppose finance description is optional but you can add and you have to decide that under which organisation it should be placed. Suppose you have this is your company name. You have to place sub organisation under this company. Again if you want to crate a sub organisation for finance you can create which i will show you later, now we proceed to create our organisation. So finance is the organisation created inside the parent organisation which is your company name. Now if i want to create a sub organisation under finance. Let it be… xyz here you can see you can place it under your parent organisation or the sub organisation which you have created under your parent organisation. So i create it under finance. So now you see xyz is created under finance. So this is the 1st level and this is the 2nd level organisation. These organisations are necessary in Google apps because you may have to want different settings for different users, You may want to have different services or may be allowed for different users. Which we will talk later in our tutorial. So as of now you have learnt how to create organisation and sub organisation .

See also  Add Users in Google Apps

Thank you

 Descriptive Explanation:

As videos are the best way to learn but if still you are not sure how to do .Please follow the below steps (with screenshot):

For User management we will have to create a Organisation Unit where we will keep the users who will have same google services,

First we will go to user console after logging in to admin console.
Admin Console

On the left side of screen you can see your domain name(that is parent OU).for creation of new sub OU click on drop-down beside that domain name.There you will see two options:

Add sub Organisation

Edit Organisation

User management


Add sub organisation: From here you can create new Ou under parent Ou. When you click on Add sub need to enter the name of new Ou which you want to create and description(it’s optional).then click create button on that popped-up  window. you will see 1 new sub ou under parent OU in admin console.

Add sub Org

Edit Organisation:Here you can change name of the organisation. By clicking this option you will see the name of the Ou in pop-up window. where you can edit the name of Ou and update the name of  your OUs.

Edit organisation

Click on save. You can now see the new edited name. We can easily manage a large amount of users by creating more OUs.

For any doubts, Please comment we will be happy to answer you. Thanks!!



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