When you are at work, you will be having a pile of files in front of you. Along with those files you may be having meetings with your clients and adding to that your personal tasks also will be there. It is a difficult task to remember everything and you will need a note to keep track of the tasks. Google tasks is the answer for you because you need not carry your planner and pen always. By using the Google tasks you can create to do list and complete the works according to the priority. There are three ways for you to create and manage the Google tasks.
From Google Calendar
One method to manage the tasks is through the Google calendar. Just log into the Google calendar using your personal Google account and to the right top side (below the options bar with options like settings, agenda etc.) you will be able to see the tasks list. It will be shown as <user name>’s list. Under that all the tasks that you have created using you google account will be shown. If you are not able to view the tasks list check whether the reminders are enabled to the left of the Google Calendar page. If the reminders are enables please click on the small triangle and select the option ‘switch to tasks’.
If you want to create to do list for a particular date in calendar, click on the empty space just below where the date is displayed. You will have the option to create event as well as task. Click on task and enter the first task in your to do list. Once you have entered the details, again click on the empty space to add the second task. Like that you can create to do list for all dates.
From Gmail
You can create your to do list from Gmail also. You have to first log into your Gmail account and then click on the small triangle that is present to the right side of the Gmail (left top corner). You will be able to see the tasks option there, click on it and you will get a new window with the to do list to the right bottom corner of the window. In that window you can add each task by clicking on the “+” sign and entering the details about the tasks. You have the option to mark the task as done and also to delete it. To the left bottom corner of the tasks window you have options to perform some actions for the to do list you have created. The actions are Move up or down, Indent or Un-indent, Email task list, print task list, sort by due date, view completed tasks and clear completed tasks. You can even create new list from the pop-up menu available to the right bottom corner of the tasks window.
From personal canvas
This is a view of tasks which can be accessed using the link https://mail.google.com/tasks/canvas. Log into your Gmail account and then you can see all your to do lists there. You can create new lists and add new tasks and edit those tasks in each task list. The options which were available in the Gmail tasks window are available in the canvas view. You can sort the tasks based on the due date, completed task and the order in which you created. There is an option to see even the deleted tasks.
Above are the three ways you can manage your Google tasks or to do list efficiently using the Google service.