The ability to watch video on your smart phone, is one the most important and helpful Chrome features, from entertainment prospective. You can now share your videos on your social media pages or any other forum, and your friends can watch that video anywhere and anytime. The need to wait for a device compatible and enabled to play online videos has been eliminated. One estimate says, that users watch over a billion hours of videos on Chrome every week, and a big chunk of these billion hours is actually clocked on mobile devices.
There are a number of sites that shares short or long duration videos like Netflix, New York Times, Facebook, Amazon and the most famous and favorite of all YouTube. That is why the new improvement brought in by Chrome 52, has made such high waves. You can feel the videos loading faster and running smoother, and best of all, it seems to consume less battery.
This new addition, in the form of Chrome 52 on Android, has hugely improved the video playback speed and its efficiency. You must have notice a lag time or the time taken by a video to load when you play it, that load time will be reduced with this addition.
Just imagine receiving a comic video from a friend, with the joke or punch line, but when you start the video it takes forever to load, taking out all the fun from the situation. With Chrome 52, you will be able to laugh with the text, while watching the video.
Another advantage of Chrome 52 is: its ability to save more data. It will allow you to run the lighter version of the videos, helping you save almost 50 percent on data usage and consumption. This feature is called the Data Saver Mode, and you can either select it or use the normal settings.
With HTML5 becoming the common choice for most web publishers, your video watching experience on Chrome is bound to improve, even more, in the coming days.
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