Users Console

Restore Suspended user

Restore Suspended User

You can restore the user’s account who are suspended/temporarily blocked. After restoring user can access all his mails/drive data. Here we will learn, how to restore suspended user.


Hello guys,

Welcome to my tutorials on Google apps. In this tutorial i will let you know how you can restore a user in Google apps. So first you can go to the users console. Here you can see all are active user in list, when you select suspended users from drop-down. This is a suspended user in Google apps also if there are lot many suspended users configured in Google apps you can just search the user name here and the respective profile would pop-up you can go to the profile. You see the status is suspended now. When you click on this drop down here. There is a option restore user here. When you click on restore user here. You see a message appears here ‘the user has been restored’ so now the account is in active state. Thank you

Descriptive Explanation:

As video has explained everything but still if you are confused then please follow the below steps(with screenshots) :

For restore suspended user you need to go to user section in admin console.

Admin Console

and from the drop-down in left side (By user’s type) of page ,select “Suspended users”.

restore suspended user1

Here you can see the user list of suspended users ,select and open the user’s profile(which you want to restore) You can open the suspended  user’s profile by searching user’s id in the search bar.

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restore suspended user

Here you can see the user status is suspended. For restoring the suspended user, click on restore user from drop-down as shown in screenshot.After clicking this option you will get notification on the screen that user has been successfully restored.

You can also check out the google support link for restoring a suspended user.

We have restored the suspended user, now he can access his mails, drive data and other google services.

If you have any doubt, please comment below we will get back to you ASAP.

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