Users Console

Restore Deleted Users

If deleted user need to store back for some data or may be user is joining back. you can restore user with in 5 days of deletion.

Hello Guys, Welcome to my tutorials on Google apps. In this tutorial i will tell you how you can restore a recently deleted user. Please note that you can only restore a user has been deleted in last 5 days. So when you go to Users console here you can select Recently deleted users from the drop-down. If you would have deleted the user with in 5 days. Then you see there will be a user here in the deleted list. Select the user and option pops-up here i.e Undelete user . You can click on undelete user. You see this message here “User account restore has been initiated, please wait for 2 hours for complete restore of account”. Now when you go to the list of active users you see the account is already there though it say that it will take 2 hours but it happens instantly, but it can some time as long as 2 hours that is what the message explains. So if you click on the user now. It has reverted back to active state.

Thank you

Descriptive Explanation:

As video has explained everything but still if you are confused then please follow the below steps provided with screenshots :

For restoring the deleted user you need to go to user section in admin console.

Admin Console


From the drop-down in left side (By user’s type) select “Recently deleted user”.Here you can see the users list which were deleted with in 5 days. Select the user whom you want to restore.

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Restore deleted user


please tick the check box present In the profile pic of user beside user’s name(whom you want to restore).then select the “undelete user”  button(highlighted in screenshot) in right up corner.After clicking that option one window will pop-up  for confirm the Ou of user.

Restore deleted user1

Click done on that window after selecting the correct Ou. You will get notification on screen that user has been successfully restored .

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