Users Console

Restore Deleted Drive/ Mail Data

If any of your domain user deleted the important files, mails accidentally.then you can restore the mail/drive data for that user if he deleted those data with in 25 days.


Hello guys, Welcome back to my tutorial on Google apps. In this tutorial i will let you know how you can restore data from a user profile. Suppose the user has accidentally deleted the mails or drive documents, it is possible to restore it through admin console. So we go to the user’s profile and click on a particular user. You can also search the name or email ID and got a suggestion and go to the corresponding user’s profile. Now in this user profile you see the drop-down here. There is a restore data option. So there is something which you should know here, date range between which data has been deleted should be with in the last 25 days. So i choose, suppose i want mails from the last 25 days to be restored, i will defined a range here suppose from 2nd to 26th. So this is the maximum range. It will be 25 days which you can defined and i click on Restore Data. So the message pops-up “Gmail data is being restored, Restored data will appear in the user’s inbox. This process may take up to 1 hour”. It will depend upon the number of emails users deleted or how many to be restored. Again using the same process you can click on restore data, Choose drive and select some date range according to your requirements and click on restore data. So again the message pops-up “The drive data is being restored. The drive data will appear on owner’s drive folder, in the same folder as before deleting”. So the documents will be looped in inside the corresponding folders form where the user deleted the documents. So I think it was helpful for you to know about restoring of data. If a user has deleted it accidentally.
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See also  Suspend User account in Google Apps

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Descriptive Explanation:

As videos are the best way to learn/understand anything but still if you confused about restoring deleted data then please follow the steps provided with screenshots:

For restoring the deleted data for any user, first you have to go to users console from admin dashboard.

Admin Console


In the users console page you can see the users list , select the user (first select the Ou in which the user exist) for which you want to add alias and open the user’s profile or you can open user’s profile by searching the user’s ID in the search box.

In the right up corner of that user’s profile select the restore data option from more options as in screenshot.

restore data


After selecting the option, confirmation window will pop -up where you can enter the date range for which user wants to restore the data.(mail or drive) click restore data after selecting date range.It will restore all data which was deleted by user with in that particular date range.

restore data 1


After clicking RESTORE DATA you will get notification on screen that data has been successfully restored.

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