Calendar Module What's New

New Admin tools to manage suspended user’s calendar events

Managing calendar bookings of a suspended user is always a challenging task for the admins. Once a user leaves the organization, admins have to manually delete their events from many calendar resources to make it available for other users.

Well, Google always seems to help us in managing the users and their used services by coming up with new ideas and new tools. Google has again come up with an update to release the admins with their manual job. They can easily manage the suspended user’s calendar just like the drive.

When an admin deletes a user, they always see the option to transfer the google drive data and Google+ pages of the user to another user and admin has to manually transfer the ownership of user’s calendar events to another user one by one before deleting.  Now with this update admins will also see the option to transfer the future booked calendar events of that user to another user so that the active user can continue the business campaign.

Admin can go to Admin console > Apps> G suite > Calendar > manage user data or use data transfer API to manage the calendar of a former employee. There you will some option for better managing the calendar booking.

Fill the email address of the user,  then choose the below option according to your requirement.

  • Cancel user’s future events – Selecting this will remove all future calendar events created by the user, so their colleagues will not see any unmanaged events in their calendars.
  • Keep User’s future events and :
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Release resources: This will keep all the user’s calendar event and cancel all the calendar resource (meeting rooms) booking by the users, so resource will be available for the booking with the new events

Transfer events to: This feature will transfer all user’s events to a new user so he can manage all his ongoing campaign and business meetings. Fill the new user address and then click on the Transfer events.

And Yes! If you don’t want to manage the calendar events of the suspended user’s by this tool also, You can opt for deletion of deleted users after some days (21 days). This will automatically delete all user’s(deleted user) events after some days, which keeps their colleagues and calendar resources calendar free from unmanaged events.

This feature is only available to super-admins and admins who have Data Transfer Privilege.

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