G Suite Admin Settings What's New

Machine Intelligence makes G Suit an Intelligent tool

Have you ever noticed the time you spend on emailing for trivial matters, that generally requires a custom reply, or the time you spend scheduling weekly or daily meetings, tasks that happens every day, or the useless hours, when you do nothing but look for information, either online or more often than not, in your own inboxes, just so you can start work on an important or urgent project.

Well, research shows that these trivial tasks can eat up more than fifty percent of your working time. The time that you could have spend working, instead of searching. In fact, some estimation’s put this waste and work time ratio as high as 3:2.

However, when you take a closer look at thing, you will find that most of your work time is taken up by repetitive mechanical tasks. Things that can easily be taken over by computers, as repetitive tasks are one thing computers have proved their competence in, to the letter.

With the advancements in the technology and new innovations, like G Suits, it is possible, too. The new capabilities that were introduced recently, allow employees to work together as a team and be on the same level, strategically and creatively.

It has been more than a decade, since Google has been trying to improve on machine intelligence. Last year they launched an application called Smart Reply, it has the capability to reply to the emails, that only needs a simple but quick response.

This application has been so successful, that more than ten percent of all the email replies, through mobiles, are now being sent by it. In fact, consumers so admired this app, that Google is introducing machine intelligence across the suite.

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Below are some of the apps and areas where machine intelligence is helping customers:

  • Quick Access for smarter storage:

This is one of the most helpful tools, to be introduced by Google. Research shows, that on an average, most people spend almost one workday, just searching for things, namely emails, files and information, stored in drive.


However, when you use Quick Access on Android, it will evaluate your interactions for the day, like chats and emails to your colleagues or meetings with the clients and superiors, and based on that, present you with most relevant files and emails for your perusal, the moment you open the Google Drive. This is

This is possible, because Drive is able to read the rhythm of your work day, with the help of machine intelligence, without you having to give a single command.

  • Scheduling made easy with smarter tools:

Most people who work with different departments in an office, knows how difficult it can be to schedule interdepartmental meetings. However, Google Calendar when empowered with machine intelligence can help you in navigating through this problem.


All you have to do is enter the invitees list, and Google Calendar will find a time, when everyone from the list is available, not only that, it will also suggest the venue, or meeting rooms, based on availability, group size and past preferences.

Then it goes a step further, if it is not possible to hold a meeting with everyone, due to schedule conflicts, it will suggest workable alternatives.

  • Spreadsheets can now read formulas:

Google already introduced Explore in Google sheets almost a year ago, that was very useful in summarizing automated charts and spreadsheet data.

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However, it had some limitations, where users were unable to write formulas, due to interface level challenges with computer languages. Though, this has now been resolved, by using machine intelligence.

It allows the users to ask the question in regular language and the app converts it into the formula.

  • Research in documents:


We have had the ability to research information in the docs saved on the Drive for years. However, Explore in Docs has now been empowered with machine intelligence. It can now recommend related topics you need to learn about, images and a lot more.

  • Creates professional level Presentations:

Most people find it hard to create presentation. However, with the introduction of Explore in Google Slides, all you have to do is add data or content to the presentation, and it will suggest relevant settings and options, that will give your presentation a professional look.

  • Teams can have one drive:

The latest option available in Google Drive, allows a team to create its own mobile work space, where they can save data and share files. The ownership is shared by the team and not by individuals, which may limit the usage for certain docs.


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