Groups console

Google Groups Roles Module

For Managing of any group, assign roles to users or create a new role as requirement and assign it to any member of the group.


Welcome back guys to our tutorial on Google apps. In this tutorial we will talk about more settings in group. So lets go into the groups module again. I will go inside a particular group. Again i will go to the access settings or module. IF you have not seen my previous module tutorial on groups you can refer that for checking the access permissions and about the members module. I talked about it two tutorials previously. In this tutorials we will talk about roles. So there are three types of roles in Google apps for groups. That is the pre-defined or system defined roles, those are owner manager and member. So you can see these are the three roles. These roles can not have been deleted as these roles are defined by Google.

This is another user created role for this group. I have created particular role, i will talk about that in detail now. So lets go to owner. This is a built-in role. Some settings cannot be modified. So here you can search for particular members whom you can assign and then you can add those members here. Owners can do anything and everything in a group like they are the owner of group. You can see permissions are defined here, all the permissions that the owner can have on this group. So you can define the owners here. Next we’ll talk about manager. It is very similar to all the three modules for owners, managers and members. You can search members and add as manager here. Managers have a bit less number of access to this particular group. You can compare the permissions in the owner section and in the manager section if you want. As member this is the default role which is given to anyone who joins the group. You can invite more people to join as members or you can add members here. You see members can have different privileges which are already defined here, but we can also moderate it, we can also change it from the basic permissions or posting permissions, we can allow members. We will talk about it later. So you can give additional permissions to what is defined here. Next we will talk about.

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User created role, these are system defined roles. Suppose i want to create a role, i will give any name, you can give any description, if you want to add a badge, you can add, if you want to add members from here only you can add. Then you can give a set of permission which you want to give for this particular role. So you can see there are every setting is listed here which is available in For this You can choose some particular. I will choose randomly 3-4 just as a demo, you can choose according to your requirements then you click on done, and you see permissions has been added here. Now i will save this, so a new role with name MJ must been created, yeah this is created here. Similarly you can defined as many role as you want if you need it, otherwise with these three system defined roles, you should be able to manage a particular group.

Thank you.

Descriptive Explanation:

As videos are best way to learn/understand anything, But still you are little confused then please follow the below steps provided with screenshot:

For updating settings or info of group, you need to open the Groups console from admin dashboard.

Admin console

After going to groups console will see the list of groups exists in your domain.create group

Open the group profile by clicking on group name. and click on Access settings tab.this will redirect you to groups settings page of that particular group.

Group Access settings

In this page we will discuss about roles module of group settings.

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There are three built in role for the groups.

Owner, Manager and Member


You can add the users as owner/manager/member by clicking on the roles.

By clicking on roles you will be directed to edit role page where you can add members , Edit roles

In this page, you can see all the members present in the group with that particular role.You can see the permission/ privileges given to that role.You can add members to the group with this particular role.

You can’t modify any fields (Name, description, and permissions) for the built-in roles (owner, Managers and members).

You can create new role with the required privileges.Just click on the create button on the roles module page.Roles

After clicking on the create button. you will be redirected to  the page where you have to set permissions, give the name of role, description and you can add members here in this page only if you want. and then click on save. then you can see new role listed on role module page.(MJ and moderator is user created roles)

New role

If you have any doubts or question please ask in comment section.Thank You

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