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Don’t let Google troll you, instead outrun it.

The tech giant Google has managed to leave its trend in almost all technical aspects. Unexpectedly, the techie organization has come up with a series of April fool’s day prank that was actually eye catching. Some of them are:

  • Play Pac-Maps and let your productivity rest:

Google morphs into an old game, Ms. Pac-Man for April fool’s day. If you wish to find Ms. Pac-Man, launch your Google maps app and tap the pink button at the right. You will be directed to some random spot in the globe. These are actually real-life lanes and street. You will be given five lives to outrun the ghost in the game. After tallying the score, it will be displayed on the top of the screen. Isn’t it incredible?

  • Google gnome:

Google decided to unveil a product termed as Google gnome on April fool’s day. Google posted that people can now have voice activated, seamless connected Yard experience. Since Google home handles all indoor related tasks,  Google gnome was specifically designed to manage outdoor activities like revealing an explanation saying which flower are edible and which can be poisonous, can convince the kids that all living beings are decomposable, can dictate the direction of the wind in your lawn.

  • Google Assistant:

Google assistant is always ready to help. Tell it to do things for you and here it goes. But if you ask Google assistant about April fool’s day, it responds with some silly advice like be alert, stay sceptical about anything suspicious or unusual happenings. Some of the replies are vague.

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  • Absurd Chromebook accessories:

Google planned to roll out brand new Chromebook accessories that can transform themselves to do everything. One such accessory is the groupie stick. Experiencing inflexibility in clicking selfie from small display phone, well, Google decided to launch a beautiful photo editing app with planned to roll out brand new Chromebook accessories that can transform themselves to do everything. One such accessory is the groupie stick. Experiencing inflexibility in clicking selfie from small display phone, well, Google decided to launch a beautiful photo editing app with high-resolution display that is the first Chromebook sized groupie selfie stick. Additionally, after collaboration with the Cardboard team, they came up with VR-accessory termed as the cardboard Chromebook. You can transform your gigantic appliance into your own dimensioned cardboard device.

  • Workout with Chromebook Armband.

You can now carry wear the armband and sweat in style. This is designed for those dedicated athletes who are ready to give their all in when it comes to fitness. While u hit the gym or out for a jog, the music apps enables you to help boost your metabolism and makes your workout a more enthusiastic one.


  • Google has now reached the Mars:

One of the most unpredictable and uncertain thing that Google plans to do is launch a data centre on the red surface planet. Considering its expansion to Mars, Google plans to bring its power of network, compute and storage ability to the rest of the solar system.  Customers can store their data exclusively in new regions of the red planet. Can you imagine your photos, cat videos and obviously some of the public domain related important documents are hovering around in Mars?

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  • Drift away the cloud with Google wind:

Want the clumping clouds to move away? Well, Google has unveiled an array of machine learning windmills that are proficient to move the cloud for another day.

To achieve this, the machine learning tool recognizes the cloud pattern and collaborate all the windmills together to swipe away the clouds from the sky.


  • Keyboard bubble wrap:

Developed by Google Japan, it is known as The Puchi Puchi keyboard. If you wish to type a sentence, crush the bubble wrap corresponding to the character you want to type or input. Then wait till it loads into the mechanical device. Once the message has been popped, a reader rolls through the material and deciphers the input message.

  • Let your pets play on Google:

Google has decided to accomplish something beyond our expectation that is launching a Google play for pets. Now keep your pets simulated with the all new Google play. All that your pets need to do is use their paws to navigate.

  • Haptic Helpers:

Google has claimed that it will take the world of virtual reality to another level with the introduction of haptic helpers. These are capable of sensing the taste, smell, and touch.

No doubt Google assists us in our day-to-day activities, but don’t let a search engine troll you. Be smart and enjoy the new pranks launched.


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