Gmail Basic Settings Tips N Tricks

Gmail labels – the ultimate way to categorize your emails

Gmail is the email service by Google which was made available to the public in 2007 as a beta version. From that time Gmail has been a big hit, and along with Google Apps suite the beta version was upgraded in 2009.

With the popularity of smartphones and computing devices, Google kept on adding new Apps and services. This email service by Google has made the life of many companies and personal users.

What are Labels in Gmail inbox?

Labels in Gmail are a flexible tagging system so that the user can categorize his or her emails. This is more or less similar to the Folder option in other webmail’s interface. Creating a Label in Gmail is a hassle free process. Steps are as follows:

  1. Log into the Gmail account using your user credentials
  2. Click on the option “More” to the left pane of the Gmail inbox interface. You will see other labels like circles, personal, and travel which are there by default.
  3. Below that, you have two options; to create and manage labels. Click on “Create New Label”.
  4. You will get a “New Label” box in which you can enter the name of the label.
  5. If you want to create this label as a sub-label to already existing label, select the check box “Nest Label Under”. Then choose the Gmail Label under which you plan to create the new label, and click on create.

There is another simple process to create a new label. Select the mail you want to add to a new label and select the “Create New Label” option from the drop-down menu that you get once you click on labels icon.

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Tips: When you want to tag mail to a particular label, select the mail and click on the Labels icon available above the mail list. All the labels created will be listed there and you can select the correct one.


While searching for emails, if you know the Gmail label name to which it was added you can search it easily. In the search bar type label:<name of the label> and Gmail will list all the emails from that label. To display the list of emails tagged with a particular label there is another way. You just have to click on the Label name which is listed once you click on “More” option present in the left pane.

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