Not finding the correct data in your gmail, Use google powerful search box your filter. Use the gmail advanced search feature of google to filter your data more specifically.
You can also create filter using gmail advanced search, (we have already seen previously), This will automatically filter your mail and do your work like forwarding filtered messages, mark star etc.
Gmail Advanced search
In Gmail,Click on the drop down present in the search box, You will see some gmail search options in the drop down.
Now you can search your query with more operators i.e. if you want to search all the received mails from ‘’, then you can search using the from operator.
There are some more operators in this ‘advanced gmail search’ feature
To: This is the field, where you can put the email address to filter the results according to receiver of the mails.
Subject: This field is used to search the query using the subject of the mails.
Has the Words: This is the default search bar, you can type the words and search it, it will search all the mails containing the words.
Doesn’t Have: This is the negative operator, where you can mentioned, what you don’t want to see in the result.
Has Attachment: It will filter all the mails which will have the attachment.
Don’t include Chats: It will exclude all chat entries from your result.
Size: This field filter all the results by their mail size.
Date: You can also filter your result according to a particular time period.
There are some more operators which you can use to build your search queries which you can search in the search box to get specific results.
Constructive Operators
OR or {} : This operator is used to combine two searches at once, example from: Ashish or from: Ranjan
” ” : Quotes allows you to search a special phrase in your mail. example “Steps to register google apps”
( ) : Brackets allows user to search the terms in group, Example Subject: (lunch, movie)
– : Minus operator removes the mails containing particular word from the results, Example lunch – movie
Hidden Gmail search operators
List: This will enlist all the mails sent to this particular mail list. Example
Filename: You can search a specific mail by using this operator, this will extract the mail with the attached file name. Example filename: googleapps.txt
In: Spam : This operator will help you to check your mails in particular folder/label. Example in:spam deal
Is: important : Is operator will help you to search a mail with important label. Example is:important
Has: red star : Has operator will restrict the search with a particular star. Example has:purple-star
Rfc822msgid: Every mail has unique id associated with it. This operator will help you to search a particular mail with message id. Example:
Deliveredto: Using this operatorr you can search the messages delivered to particular email address. Example
There are more operators in gmail advanced search for filtering the results of your query. You can visit the google support doc for more operators.