Sometimes we get caught up in a situation, where we have to reschedule a meeting. In these cases, contacting the event owner and asking him to update the event is time taking. Google has been working on this issue and have come up with a new solution. Now re-scheduling the events got easier with this update.
This feature helps employees to the effective scheduling of the meeting, which also saves the time of the employees spent on meeting practicalities and make the meeting productive with highest attendees.
When a meeting is scheduled, guests get an invitation to the meeting with RSVP and they can reply to the meeting with ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘MayBe’.
But with this update, users will see a new option added to their RSVP “Propose a new time”. The user can suggest to event owner with a new time to reschedule the event.
If the calendar access permission has been given to the guest, Guest can see other attendees calendar schedule side by side and then suggest the new timing to the event owner.
The user can also send an optional message to the meeting owner while proposing a new time to the event owner and owner can accept the new proposed time with a click and re-schedule the event. Once the event is rescheduled, guests will receive notification about the new timings.
This feature can be also used with the Microsoft exchange. Guests can propose the new time to the event organizers from the exchange platform and also organizers can receive guest’s new timing proposals with the Microsoft exchange platform.
This feature is already released for the calendar on the web. The users can see the new option and use it with their calendar web view. This feature will be released for mobile on August 13th, so users can use this feature from anywhere, anytime.
Help Reference: Google Support Doc
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