Calendar Module

Create/Modify/Delete Resource Calendar

Resource calendar  in google apps is the resources present in your organisation like meeting room, projector room, company cars etc. You can manage all the resources of your organisation effectively with Google calendar.  After creating a resource calendar, you will be provided a particular calendar for resource, where all domain users can schedule their events on resource.


Hello Guys, Welcome back to my tutorial on Google Apps. In this tutorial I will tell you how you can create resources on Google Apps. So basically resources can be, resources that are present in your organisation, they can be meeting room, projector and any other resources that you use like video-cams. So sometimes using Google calendar when you schedule an event you can book those particular rooms at particular date and time so that there will not be interference between between those events, like if i have booked a room at some particular time and in some particular date then someone else would not able to book the room at the same time and date because it will appear as not available. I will tell you about those thing later but now as a start we will go into calendars module and i will tell you how you can create a resource. So you go into Google apps and then you click on calendar…sorry my bad….. i will click on calendar. Now we will create a resource. I will go into resources module, i will click on create a new resource. Now i will give a resource name like projector room 1, you can give custom name as present in your organisation, then i will give resource type room or you can write meeting room anything according to your needs. I will write bit of description, you can define what that room is used for, then you can save changes and now this room appears here in the list of resources. Now i will also show you how to delete a particular resource. Suppose you have many resources in your organisation or may be sometimes it may happen that you may change here the names of the rooms, so you can also edit the resource, go into that particular resource. I will change here the particular resource name, i will put some text, now i can also change resource type, i will put simply as room, i will give some random description again and i will save changes. So this is the case when you want to edit a particular resource, name of a particular resource. Then i can also delete a resource if you do not have that resource in use at the present time, i will select the particular resource and click on delete resource, it will ask for confirmation ‘are you sure you want to delete the selected resource?’ Yes OK , I will click on OK, i am quite sure about that. Now the resource has been deleted. You see this is the list of resources. You do not see that particular resource here. So before deleting you should quite be well aware that you do not have any events booked on that particular resource and you do not have that particular resource being used in organisation. So in this tutorial i told you how resources can be useful to your organisation. Will talk about other calendar settings and other calendar modifications in calendar module and also in admin console as admin in the next tutorial. Please do not forget to like subscribe the videos and also you can give feedback and ask question on the comment section. Thank you

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As in video every step is in detail, but if you want to follow the steps 1 by 1  then below here all steps are written with screenshot

Descriptive Explanation:

For creating resource calendar, First you need to go to Apps module from admin console.

Admin console


In the apps page Go to Google Apps and then open Calendar.

Google Apps


google apps


In the calendar page you can see the Resource tab, click on the resource tab.




Clicking on resource will direct you to list of present resources.


Create a new resource calendar

Create a Resource Calendar

In the resource page you will see the list of present resources and an option to create new resource.

Click on create a new resource.

create new resource calendar page

Fill the details for new resource you want to create and click on SAVE CHANGES. You will see a notification on screen’ resource has been added’. Now you can see your new resource in the resource list.

Edit Resource:

If you want to edit the resource details. Just click on the resource from the resource list. You will see the page with all details of that resource. You can change the details as required(Except calendar email address and resource ID), and then click on SAVE CHANGES.Edit resource

Delete Resource:

For deleting resource just tick the check-box beside the resource and click on delete at above of resource list. You can delete more than one resource at a time by ticking multiple check boxes at one time.

Delete resource

We have learnt to create, modify and delete a resource calendar. If you have any doubt, please feel free to comment.

See also  New Admin tools to manage suspended user's calendar events

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