Google Chrome What's New

Chrome extensions now available in Opera!

Google launched Google Chrome in 2008 and since then it has developed a lot. It is mainly known for its performance and the arena of features it provides through extensions. Wherein Opera was introduced in 1996 to capitalize the evolving internet connected devices.

Opera claimed their browser is lighter and faster than other browsers in the market. To an extent it was correct, but like Google Chrome Opera did not have many additional features.


Now you can enjoy the extensions from Google Chrome even in Opera. Before doing all these steps, you will need to install Opera and you can add only extensions from Google Chrome web store.

This feature is not applicable for Apps, themes or games. Here I am going to explain the steps you need to follow to avail those amazing extensions.

Steps to get Google Chrome extensions in Opera

  1. Open the Opera browser in your computer and go to
  2. Search for “Chrome Extension” and Click on install.
  3. Once that is installed, go to Chrome web store ( and search for the extension you want to enable in Opera. Click on “Add to Opera”.
  4. The Chrome web store will show checking, and once the download is done you will get a notification from Opera saying “The extension was disabled since it is from an unknown source”.
  5. Click on Go and it will take you to the Extensions page in Opera. You will get an option to install, click on it. That is it, the extension is added to the Opera Add-ons and you can manage it just like the other Opera extensions.
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These steps are very easy to follow and you can use these extensions the same way you used these in Google Chrome. Now Opera has become feature rich with these additions from Google Chrome.


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