Google search engine is the most used page in the internet. It handles more than 2 millions Google search in a second. Google use a complex formula in which google consider more than 200 factors into account to give you results for any search within a fraction of second.
1. If You want to exclude something while searching in google, just add that word after a minus symbol.
2. Facing problem with remembering dates of festivals, Just paste the festival name in search bar, Google will show you the date of the festival.
3. Convert Currency and Units
You can convert all currencies and unit just by writing the sentence in search bar.
4. Scared of math ?? Google will do it for you. Just write the equation in the search bar.
5. If you want a file with specified format, then you can search specifically by adding the format name in the search bar.
6. If you want to search the particular sentence specifically on the google, you can search by putting the sentence with in double inverted comma.
7. You can search all songs of a band, search ‘songs by’ followed by the band name.
8. You can also search all the books by an author.
9. Just search ‘sunset’ or ‘sunrise’ in google and google will show you the sunset /sunrise timing of your location. You can see the sunset and sunrise timing of any place by writing the place name after sunrise/sunset.
10. You can define a word by searching “Define” followed by that word
11. You can set alarm in google by just typing “set timer for” followed by time.
So enjoyed some tricks… there are more tricks related to google services. We will update more tips n tricks soon.
Till then…Sayonara 🙂